Partial Power Processing: – What is it? – How do you use it for down-size device ratings and minimizing losses?
Room: EV2.184, Bldg: EV Building, 1515 Saint-Catherine St W, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 2H7Power electronics has evolved in the last 50 years gaining more and more relevance till it becomes a critical technology for the next energy shift for a more sustainable society. One of the latest technological trends concerns the essence of power processing that discloses how the electric power flows through the electronic circuit and components. The so-called partial power processing concept claims to reduce the conversion losses, alleviating the thermal burden of the devices and further enabling the downsizing of converter and component ratings. This seminar provides a unique insight into this technology and also builds a solid base of knowledge for power electronics design trades. Speaker(s): Mario Lucio da Silva Martins, Agenda: 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM - Networking and Light Snacks 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM - Seminar Event Room: EV2.184, Bldg: EV Building, 1515 Saint-Catherine St W, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 2H7
” Indian Aerospace Paradigm”
HIMALAYAN TAJ RESTAURANT, Location:1425 NASA Parkway (next to Space Center Houston), Houston, Texas, United States, 77058, Virtual:, February 25th, 2025, 12:00 NOON US-Central TOPIC: " Indian Aerospace Paradigm" THIS IS A HYBRID EVENT SPEAKER: Dr Surendra Pal, Life-FIEEE, FNAE, FNASc, Former Vice Chancellor- Defence Institute of Advanced Technology- Pune(India), DRDO Dr. D.S Kothari Chair DG ECS Office Bangalore, Prof. Satish Dhawan Professor, Senior Adviser- Satellite Navigation(ISRO), Distinguished Scientist, Associate Director, Chairman GAGAN -PMB & Prog.Director Sat.-Navigation- URSC(ISAC)-ISRO] , IEEE Fellow PRESENTATION: India will celebrate 50 years after launching its first satellite, ARYBHATA. In the last 50 years, the progress in the aerospace arena, be design and fabrication of satellites, launchers, rockets, missiles or fighter aircraft along with applications in the domain of use of space technology for societal, security and defence has been exponential. Till now, India has launched >537 satellites and 100 satellite launchers. Satellites have been launched for various countries, including the USA, among other countries. The talk is about the journey of the last 50 years and the exponential progress made by India/ISRO and DRDO in the Aerospace Domain. HIMALAYAN TAJ RESTAURANT, Location:1425 NASA Parkway (next to Space Center Houston), Houston, Texas, United States, 77058, Virtual:
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Peter James Kootsookos, PhD – 25 February 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Virtual:[] Dr Kootsookos, IEEE Connecticut Section Chair. Dr Kootsookos will describe his career preparation. He will conduct a deep dive of his field as an expert in patent arbitration providing source code reviews. He is a teacher of telecommunications, signal & image processing, circuit analysis, digital hardware, and various software engineering courses at the University of New Haven, Fairfield University, Central Connecticut State University, and CT State Community College, Middlesex in the US and the Australian National University and University of Queensland in Australia. He is a Researcher: Signal processing research: more than 40 papers in conferences and international journals in signal, video, and image processing; Full life-cycle systems engineering: requirements, analysis, design, verification, validation, delivery; Quality processes worked with: IS09001-2000, CMMI, ACE (UTC’s Achieving Competitive Excellence). Note: PDH / CEU is not being offered for the Spring 2025 sessions. Speaker(s): Dr. Peter James Kootsookos, PhD Virtual:
Antenna Design Life Cycle
Virtual: antenna can have excellent impedance and radiation characteristics when designed in isolation. However, antennas are never in isolation and the effect of surrounding environment must be considered during the design stage. This makes the in-situ or the antenna placement analysis as important as the antenna design. In this presentation, a complete design life cycle of an antenna will be presented, starting from the standalone design to the in-situ analysis. Speaker(s): Gopinath Gampala, Dr. C.J. Reddy of Altair Virtual:
Careers in Technology Spring Series 2025 – Elizabeth Alves – 04 March 8pm EST / 7 pm CST
Virtual: Alves STEM Affiliate Leader at Learning Disabilities Association of America Elizabeth Alves will share her preparation for her mission and a deep dive of her endeavors, projects, programs, accomplishments and inspired goals as a passionate Humanitarian with over 20 years of experience in education, specializing in integrating STEM concepts for students of all abilities. Her expertise spans general and special education, with a focus on supporting neuro-diverse learners and the under resourced. Note: PDH / CEU is not being offered for the Spring 2025 sessions. Speaker(s): Elizabeth Alves Virtual:
Shaping the Future: Telecom IT Infrastructure Trends and Scaling to Millions
Room: EV2.184, Bldg: EV Building, 1515 Saint-Catherine St W, Quebec , Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 2H7In this IEEE Computer Society Technology and Networking event, Walther Planzo II from Ericsson will explore the technological evolution of the telecommunications industry and provide insights into its future beyond 6G, Kubernetes, and related IT resources. He will discuss how emerging approaches have bridged the gap between telecommunications and computing, expanding opportunities in IoT and redefining industry capabilities. Co-sponsored by: Concordia University Speaker(s): Walther, Agenda: - 18:30 - 19:00 - Reception - 19:00 - 20:00 - Presentation - 20:00 - 20:15 - Networking on site and beyond Room: EV2.184, Bldg: EV Building, 1515 Saint-Catherine St W, Quebec , Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3G 2H7
The Digital Collage: A workshop to raise awareness about the environmental challenges of digital technology
Room: 6900, INRS, 800 rue de la gauchetiere , Montréal, Quebec, CanadaDid you know that it takes 800kg of raw materials to manufacture a 2kg computer? Come with us to learn in team and in a fun way, the impact of digital technologies on the environment and how to reduce it. In collaboration with TÉLUQ University and EMT IEEE student chapter, we invite you to take part in this fun and collaborative three-hour workshop. The aim of the Digital Collage is to raise awareness and educate participants about the environmental challenges of digital technology. The workshop also aims to explain the broad outlines of actions to be taken to move towards a more sustainable digital environment, and then to open discussions on the subject between participants. The workshop is an opportunity to learn together. The workshop will be at INRS EMT Bonaventure center, March 19th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Coffee awaits you during the activity, and pizza at lunchtime! The workshop will be offered in English and French ! To register => ( (registration required, limited number of participants) Room: 6900, INRS, 800 rue de la gauchetiere , Montréal, Quebec, Canada
TALK #30: Update AI Security
Virtual: information soon. (Speaker to be confirmed) Speaker: Dr. Abhijit Sen - P.I.D. (Vancouver), B.Tech. (I.I.T.), B.Sc. (Hons) (Presidency College), M.Sc. (Calif.), Ph.D. (McMaster University) Subject: Artificial Intelligence and Security Abhijit Sen is currently the Professor of the Computing Sciences and Information Systems, and Bachelor of Technology program of School of Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University , BC, Canada. Abhijit holds a PhD. from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, and Master of Science degree from University of California, Berkeley, USA. He has over 30 years of academic, and administrative experience at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Abhijit is also actively involved in professional activities, and presented seminars and papers in number of conferences. He is a Life member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Association (IEEE), New York academy of Sciences, and Canadian Information Processing Society. This is part of the TALK series organized by Carl Zanon for Vancouver Section LMAG. All Life Members and anyone else interested is welcome to attend. Times are Vancouver, 10:00 AM PST is 1:00 PM EST. Registration is optional, but we want to know who to expect. Future Talks planned: 2025-Apr-26 TALK #31 Dr. Jaymie Matthews Astronomy Revisited 2025-May-24 TALK #32 Murray MacDonald Argentina visit – breath of IEEE And Milestone Process 2025-Jun-21 TALK #33 S. Douglas Cromey Electric Ferry in Kingston Speaker(s): Dr. Sen, Agenda: 9:45 AM Zoom opens 10:00 AM Welcome and speaker introduction 10:05 AM Speaker Virtual: